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COILING 2 is an experiment in color weaving to create an orbiting sphere. Each sphere grows from a randomized initial condition. The coiling then continues to expand from 256 different rules of growth, building up each sphere ring by ring. The weaving employs a cellular automata (CA) system to generate a sphere defined by a distribution of colored cells.

The CA algorithm is a rule-set based on binary values that structure the decision-making process for each node in the pattern. It produces an intricate and almost endless variety of weaves as the algorithm feeds information back to itself to make the next decision. This causes the color weave to adapt and change as it travels over the surface of the sphere. Given the generative logic, each sphere is unique with the following features.
Navigation Instructions:
1. Space bar to pause orbiting
2. Left or Right arrow to toggle between different views.
3. “n” to cycle through one iterations.
3. “b” to cycle through many iterations.
4. “i” saves view as png.
Description of Features:
The framing or camera view of each token is inspired by a satellite view of a planet:
Horizon 40%
Quarter 25%
Binary 20%
Perigee 14%
Apogee 1%
The color logic is constrained across three palettes:
Pastel 70%
Jelly Bean 25%
Neon 5%
How the colors are related within each palette:
Contrast 65%
Bright 25%
Medium 5%
Dark 5%
The overall color gradient from pole to pole of the sphere runs through 2 or 3 colors:
Three Colors 33%
Two Colors 66%